MegaSell - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme

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Created: Sep 17, 2019

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

ID: 86130

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MegaSell - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme - Features Image 1MegaSell - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme - Features Image 2MegaSell - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme - Features Image 3

MegaSell Shopify Theme is clean, elegant ecommerce template was especially designed for creating business professional online multipurpose store. MegaSell Shopify Theme is smart responsive designed with intelligence and good UX design for all mobile devices (desktops, tablets and phones). MegaSell Shopify Theme using popular drag & drop page builder, a lot of theme settings and options and premium sliders. MegaSell Shopify Theme put in lots of love and effort into building this theme. MegaSell Theme is a great start for any one who is looking to start his one multipurpose online shop or looking to create a goods marketplace store.


##Update History


  • Solved Horizontal Menu issue
  • Solved Category Title issue
  • Solved Filter issue on shop page
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout


  • Solved some miscellaneous bugs.
  • Update package file for support Shopify latest version


  • Solved some miscellaneous bugs.
  • Removed the CustomerMeta app.
  • Update wishlist and compare feature.


  • Update package file for support Shopify latest version 2.x.


  • Fixed some miscellaneous css issue with theme layout.

6 Reviews for this product

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it's ok if you know how to install it yourself. quality team. unfortunately, I'm not very good at it, so I gave up success
Thank you for your feedback, we really appreciate it.
Muito bom o template, um pouco complicado para alterar algumas coisas, mas o suporte é extremamente eficiente!
Thank you so much for positive feedback.
Muito bom, algumas coisas são meio complicada de configurar, mais é incrível e tema
Thank you for review, we really appreciate it.
Great theme and quick transaction. The template monster team was very helpful.
I recently decided to make my website for sale. For a very long time I was looking for a design template that would suit me completely. As soon as I saw this template, I fell in love with it. Without thinking for a long time, I bought it. Unfortunately, this template did not suit me. No way to install it well. Unfortunately, I also did not manage to contact the author. I wrote to support, but they didn't help either.
Sorry for any inconvenience, Can you please provide support ticket ID ? we can help you setup the theme.

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